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Concerning worksheets > The same old topic again
The same old topic again
Mar (itxasobcn)
The same old topic again
When I download one of your wonderful worksheets and I see it has 10 or 16 or more downloads and no thank you comments I get really angry because I think it �s not fair. Those who do that are using other teachers � worksheets for free and they don �t even bother to say THANK YOU, which takes 2 seconds.
I know we �ve talked about it many times but I just had to say it one more time.
Big hugs, dear teachers and have a nice Sunday!!!!!
22 Feb 2009
Copy "Thank you" - Paste "Thank you" works great!
Have you tried it before?? And it makes people happyyyy!
22 Feb 2009
There are so many good reasons to leave a thank you,
-It gives warm fuzzies to the contributor so they feel appreciated (and we all like that really helps build community spirit) -If there is a mistake or correction the contributor can easily send a note to the people who left a message with the correction or swap emails to re send the corrected one... -It helps YOU remember which worksheets you have downloaded :-) very helpful if you pop in and out of the site a couple of times a day and don �t download everything that has caught your eye straight away! -Also I love to know who my worksheets are helpful for (just a curiosity/nosey thing)
It �s not a competition for the most thank yous, but more of a courtesy thing, saying thanks to be able to take something great that we otherwise wouldn �t have! The few seconds it takes to say thanks far outweighs the prep time you would have spent making a worksheet of similar quality!
Thank you everyone for sharing your wonderful work!
22 Feb 2009
Mariethe House
hi Cheezels!
You seem to be very talkative this morning!Or is it evening for you!! I am always happy when I see your avatar on the page!
My partner often asks:" How �s Cheezels?" your avatar �s name sounds like: little cheese to him!
But of course he remembers you because you helped him!
A big hug and a warm fuzzy from both of of us!
22 Feb 2009