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Word of the Day
Word of the Day
The Spamster is back, so it �s time to start another contest! Thanks to Apodo for reposting for iciar in the Name-It Contest. I �m not sure what �s happened to the Caption Contest, so I �m leaving that alone. However, Word of the Day has gone defunct, and it �s time to revive it.
The rules are simple: give your best FAKE definition of the word posted. DO NOT look for the definition online and post the real definition. I �ll pick the best "daffynition" some time tomorrow or whenever I get enough entries.
The Word of the Day is...
28 Jun 2015
maryse pey�
Here we are ! The 1st version is :
EX for expertise
GE is for generation
FACTION is for facts in action.
So an EXPERGERACTION is the played better supposed hypothesis of a particular fact from a generation to another and how this fact could be modified for each of these generations. |
28 Jun 2015
Experts in the action of GEF (Graphical Editing Framework). |
28 Jun 2015
It �s that relief you get after vomiting. |
29 Jun 2015
This one is too difficult for me, Moody. No inapiration whatsoever! |
29 Jun 2015
EXPERGEFACTION exper=expert GEF=global environment facility action it s an action held by an expert within a partnership which deals with environmental issues |
29 Jun 2015
Nora L
expergefaction: it is what and expert does about affections or infections. |
29 Jun 2015