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Amazing students!!
To Giovanna: I �ve never heard that one!!! Do kids really say that? |
23 Feb 2009
Well, I guess I don �t feel lonely anymore!
I told here in the forum just the other day that my 16 year old students said that the author of "I think therefore I am" was Jesus Christ...
What about that?! |
23 Feb 2009
@ Silvia...
Well, Jesus COULD have said it too... you never know!
But I agree, students make me shake my head. Most of my games I have had to redo because if I use a famous person from more than, let �s say twenty-five or thirty years back, I get blank looks sometimes... kinda sad if you think about it...
23 Feb 2009
@ zora
I know what you mean! And it IS sad. I often use materials which can provide them some general culture, you know... at least I know I �m doing something about it! |
23 Feb 2009
But not only children say or think really stupid things... in many parts of the world also many adults think that Portugal is a part of Spain... |
23 Feb 2009
Someone mentioned Spongebob. I tried not once or twice, but several times to watch the cartoon and see what �s interesting about it and ... it didn �t get me anywhere. I don �t get the cartoon. What �s the point? I really did my best...
23 Feb 2009
People ask if Denmark is the capitol of Sweden!!!
(and they were adults too!)
Bring back Geography!!!
23 Feb 2009
@ Silvia73
jajajajaja, we have a winner!! Yours is the best
@ Kita19
that �s a classic. When I was a child we played something: there were 4 parts of a game and in one of them, the player had to draw a map of Spain and guess what... Portugal was part of my country!!!! |
23 Feb 2009
well, one day I was teaching my kids "how old are you?" , "what �s your name?" and so on and one of them asked me "how old are YOU?" and very stupidly I answered "guess!".
They started discussing it and after a few seconds one of them declared "FIFTY!".
Actually, I �m 37. |
23 Feb 2009
Oh, oh! That reminds me of the day when i first introduced myself to my 3rd graders and since Mrs Randjelovic sounded tooooo long, i thought it would be better if they just called me Miss Ivona. NOW, Ivona is not a common name in Serbia. Ivana IS. With different stress. IHvana vs ihVONA. When Miss is added to Ivona, it sounds like Missivona. There was this little girl who probably found the word strange and thought of the most resembling one and called me Vasiona (Vah-see-oh-na = Space, Universe). And it had been going on for about a month (i didn´t realise it till then that she was mispronouncing) when she finally came up to me and said, "Vasiona, what �s your real name?"
P.S. AND, whenever i tell the anecdote to an adult here, the first association they get is a Serbian film scene with a hilarious actress, Milena Dravic, being a fortune teller in the film and saying as if in a trans, "Vasionaaaaa, can you hear meeeeee?!?"
23 Feb 2009
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