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English Day
English Day
Hi everybody: I am a young teacher from Colombia new on this incredible webpage. Next september 29th in my school all english teachers are going to celebrate "English Day" for spanish students speakers and we want this day is an unforgetable experience. I was wondering if some of you can suggest me ideas for my school english day, the ideas can be about decor, activities or even projects. I´ll be waiting for your ideas and thanks so much. A charming "hi" from COLOMBIA P.P |
17 Sep 2015
English day in my school is a huge deal. Usually we celebrate with a Theme. For the past years we have been celebrating the customs of the English speaking nations. This year we celebrated " A trip to Australia". We celebrated the landmarks, food, wildlife and everything Aussie. It was fun because each class picked an aspect of that nation to showcase in their class boot. The items were later sold in a flea market ( still part of the activity) to raise money for the class projects. I hope this will be of some help. Greetings from China. |
17 Sep 2015
Hello #priscadk thank you so much for the idea, it sounds so funny. I liked the idea about working on a nation project and the customes. Thanks again. pta: You remembered me a student in my classroom from that country, she´s so sweet like you¡ Bye bye. Greetings from Medellin, COLOMBIA. |
17 Sep 2015
Does your school have a canteen where most students have lunch? If it does have one, you might try talking to whoever defines the meals (the company, or a chef in your school staff, or the nutriotionist, or ...) to aske them to change the menu to include some British-related dishes, (even if it �s just dessert) - it would make yur English day a multi-sensorial activity! Besides, you can also try to have some sort of interactive exhibition: you choose four, five or six topics and display some realia regarding them; you then ask your students to produce some artistic work - e.g.: a using paper, from old magazines, for instance, to make a collage of the Union Jack, somehow building a Beefeater - pasting black paper balls onto the inner carbboard of toilet paper rolls to make the hat. In the exhibition you display some realia regarding the chosen topics and all the items produced by your students.
Or you can have a competition - choose a festivity and ask students to build / display something that might relate to it - e.g. Royal Ascot is a lot more than just horse races, hats are also a must, so why not on "The most creative hat"? If you make students a part of the celebration, they will feel involved and it will really apeeal to them!
I hope this helps and all works out fine
Greetings form Portugal!
Sandra |
18 Sep 2015
Hi, there . I �m new here ,so i need some help. could you tell me pease how to search worksheets. Thanks!! |
18 Sep 2015