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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Make your own Dobble
Make your own Dobble
I never make 57 cards. I usually choose 31-card option - which means thirty vocabulary items I can practice. It�s great because I can choose them so I can revise eg. specific vocabulary before a test.. The website has also the gallery where you can find games made by other people. The only problem I have noticed is that if an image diappears from the internet, it also disappears from the game. In the old games which you can find at the website there are dobble games with missing pictures, which means that these games are useless. The new games are usually complete.
12 Oct 2015
I love teaching English with Dobble cards. You don �t have to play the game according to the normal rules. You can ask pupils to choose one item on the card and ask yes/no questions to find out what it is, or you can get them to make up a story using all of the items on a particular card. |
14 Oct 2015
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