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Grammar and Linguistics > Who or What is your best friend?
Who or What is your best friend?

Who or What is your best friend?
Hi everyone! Can you clarify sth for me, please?
The question to the answer �My best friend is Tom. � Is : � Who is your best friend? �, right? But is it possible to say �What is your best friend? � I don �t think it is, except if it is �What �s your friend like? � But in that case the answer would be different. The problem is that I keep coming across the question �What is your favourite actor/singer? � and that is really confusing, since, for me, only WHO applies.
Thanks in advance!
Vera |
17 Oct 2015

Yes, it´s possible. If you want to know what your friend´s job is. What´s your friend? He´s a teacher. " What is your favourite actor? " I certainly wouldn´t use. |
17 Oct 2015

Hi Vera, If the answer is a person (best friend, actor etc), then you have to use "Who is..." "What is your favourite actor: is not correct if you are trying to identify who that person is. The only way it might be correct is if you are asking about her best friend �s job/profession, e.g. Maria: "What is your best friend again? I forgot" Anna: "She is a doctor". or if you know the best friend is inanimate (e.g. "That car is his best friend). Where do you keep coming across ´What is your favourite actor/singer? ´ Tap |
17 Oct 2015

Sorry MarieC, we posted that at the same moment. :-) |
17 Oct 2015

"A dog is man �s best friend." - What is man �s best friend? But otherwise I concur wholeheartedly with both the comments above. |
18 Oct 2015

That is exactly what I thought but I really wanted to listen to other opinions and confirm. Thanks! ;-) |
18 Oct 2015