I don�t know. I guess it helps people to express their anger and maybe I�m not in the mood, but I just didn�t find it funny or helpful. In saying that, I don�t intend to imply any criticism at all of Mariethe for posting it. She has every right to do so.
I did see another video last night, which is not funny, but I think is much more informative and heartfelt:
The presenter, Waleed Aly is a Sunni Muslim, born to Egyptian parents and is a "writer, academic, lawyer and media presenter" in Australia (source: Wikipedia).
There is a place for everything but I did feel that if more people listened to Waleed Aly�s message, we�d avoid a lot of problems caused by knee-jerk reactions.
I�m not sure that this forum is the right place to air these things to be honest. Everyone is free to do that of course (and yes, I am doing it right now), but there are more appropriate venues.
I noticed some disagreement in another thread about the perception that opinions towards victims of terrorism seemed unbalanced (it�s also been noticed on Google and Facebook). There are
reasons (not justifications) for this and I don�t know if that�s true here, but if it is, then perhaps it�s something we should strive to avoid? I don�t mean avoid expressing our sympathy or support or indignation, which everyone has a right to do, but to consider whether those are applied to
all victims of terror.