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Techniques and methods in Language Teaching > A video grammar presentation of Present Continuous for revision (for ESL teachers)
A video grammar presentation of Present Continuous for revision (for ESL teachers)

A video grammar presentation of Present Continuous for revision (for ESL teachers)
Hello guys ;) A new grammar presentation of Present Continuous for revision. if you are interested, you are welcome to this link: Also you will find lots of exercises attached to the video! Hope you will find it useful! Take care! ;) |
19 Nov 2015

Is it only me who thinks that you are using this forum to advertise your resources? |
19 Nov 2015

Gi2gi, hello. Does sharing materials mean advertising for you? I am not asking money for this, and I don �t get even a penny for these videos. This is my hobby! Of course I want to have people who would use my materials, that �s why I am sharing them. But ok, if my posts bother some people (you might be not the only one) I won �t be posting anything on this forum. Hope that those people who have already seen and liked my vlog, would visit it from time to time. Anyway, thank you for your comment. Have a good day. Best wishes, Empire of English |
19 Nov 2015

Ok, then. Well, Mariethe. I am not the one to decide what advertising is, really. (money is not the only thing involved in advertising, though). Anyway, Empireofeenglish, it was just my opinion, it �s up to you to decide how you will carry on. Personally I would never open topic after topic to share resources created by me, but it �s just me :) Best of luck. Giorgi
19 Nov 2015

If someone posts links to helpful resources for ESL/EFL teachers (even paid resources), I don �t label the content spam unless the poster repeatedly posts the same content. What angers me far more is when some jerk posts advertising for say, Louis Vuitton purses that 99.999% of the members of this site neither want nor can afford. That is spam, in my opinion. I tend to give English-related posts the benefit of the doubt. But that �s my opinion. |
19 Nov 2015

I �m gonna start a blog and advertise it here on a weekly basis. Can anybody help me with setting it up?
On a serious note - EmpireofEnglish, your work is of the highest standard.
19 Nov 2015

Guys, who supported me here, thank you very much! :) So, am I allowed to put links from my youtube channel here? I will be doing it only if I �m granted permission. Best regards, Empire of English |
19 Nov 2015

EoE, you clearly are allowed to publicise your blog on here.
19 Nov 2015
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