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Techniques and methods in Language Teaching > A video grammar presentation of the construction "don ´t mind + verb with -ing" (For ESL teachers)
A video grammar presentation of the construction "don ´t mind + verb with -ing" (For ESL teachers)

A video grammar presentation of the construction "don ´t mind + verb with -ing" (For ESL teachers)
Hello everyone!  Here is a new video about "Don ´t mind + verb with -ing" + a couple of exercises to practice it. If you are interested, you are welcome to have a look at it. Thank you very much! Best wishes, Empire of English |
21 Nov 2015

Hello!  Thank you for sharing that Empire of English! I posted a worksheet on warm-ups for a lesson on the function of apologising a month or two ago. Did you happen to see it? Please feel free to use it if you are interested. There ´s also one on the Present Perfect. It uses a comic. I ´m a bit of a beginner, so they ´re not as colourful as yours. Sorry about that. Plus, you know, I think printing ink can be expensive and it saves the planet to use fewer colours. I like your cat. /me waves back at him. Best wishes, Tap |
21 Nov 2015

Tapioca, hello :) THank you very much! I will definitely have a look at your worksheet and will use it with my students. ;) It doesn ´t matter if it ´s colourful or not, the main thing is that it should be useful, right?  Have a great day! ;) Empire of English |
22 Nov 2015

Why thank you! Your whiteboard drawings are amazing! How did you learn to draw like that? Does it take a long time? Perhaps you could do a video on how to draw figures? Tap |
22 Nov 2015

Tapioca, I have never been taught how to draw, I just started doing it when I was a child and it came on its own.  |
22 Nov 2015

@ Empire of English: your little video presentations are a marvellous resource. Keep sending them in! @ Tapioca (and anyone else who might be interested): I often use my own drawings in lessons, but I´ll be the first to admit that they tended to be a bit too fussy and time-consuming. Then I saw this video from Paul Millard. There are some top drawing tips here. Alex
22 Nov 2015

I ´m hoping that in future my deer will look less string-like. :-) Tap |
22 Nov 2015

almaz and Tapioca, here is the link to a very useful book too!!! it will also help you to make nice drawings! I use it a lot! Empire of English |
22 Nov 2015