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A video grammar presentation ¹ 2 - Second Conditional (for ESL teachers)

A video grammar presentation ¹ 2 - Second Conditional (for ESL teachers)
Hello colleagues, Upon request of one of our colleagues, there is one more grammar presentation of Second Conditional + exercise. Here is the link: Hope you will find it useful.  Take care! Empire of English |
22 Nov 2015

Hi Empire of English! Another great video and wonderful drawings. I wish I could draw like that. I tried to draw a deer the other day and my students asked, ´What is that ball of string behind the fence? ´ One thing, I wonder how old your students are? That example about "I would buy expensive clothes". That might be an opportunity to challenge some gender stereotypes, don ´t you think? I ´d love to see teachers writing "I would train as an astronaut". Two other (music) videos which are useful for teaching 2ndC: You can guess which one my students prefer! :-)) Tap |
22 Nov 2015

I teach adult people and they really don ´t care about all this gender stuff :) One woman is even 60 years old :) But this is just an example of what you can say, but you can choose other sentences for your students :) it ´s all up to you - you can alter this grammar presentation according to your needs - you just take the idea and use it in the way which is most appropriate for your students :)
And thank you very much for the link provided! Well I suppose your students like most the quick version, don ´t they? :) Empire of English |
22 Nov 2015

They do like the quick version! :-) It ´s a catchy tune, and it helps to be able to see the words of the song. I am glad you like them. About your students - they may not care about this gender stuff now, because that ´s how they have been educated. We should respect their interests of course, but don ´t you think we should treat all our students equally? Tap |
22 Nov 2015

I am a private English Teacher :) so I teach English one-to-one. I used to teach groups some time ago and of course I had different ways of explaining materials. And at CELTA course I was quite "modest" at choosing the topics and examples :) |
22 Nov 2015