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Techniques and methods in Language Teaching > A video grammar presentation of the Causative form
A video grammar presentation of the Causative form

A video grammar presentation of the Causative form
Hello guys! Here is a new video about the causative form + exercises! Hope you will find it useful! Take care and have a great day!   Empire of English
23 Nov 2015

Good one Anastasia! I�d really love it if you took digital images of your drawings and made them available! :-)) I love the magnetic (?) car and money too! After your video, YouTube played another on the causative by a guy called Daniel Byrnes. I liked the animations he did and he has a great narrating voice. I am not sure I would have chosen the theme he used (a girl who feels she has to get her physical appearance enhanced to get a guy to notice her) but it works okay. He used a phrase though, which I didn �t understand. Maybe it�s American? Or I think he might be Canadian from the way he says �house�?
Does anyone know what "She got her digits" means? It�s at 57 seconds in. Tap
23 Nov 2015

I imagine it�s her phone number ("digits" � geddit!!!???). ("he got her digits")
23 Nov 2015

Wow, yes, you �re right! Thanks Alex. The first Google hit I got was " - how to get her digits in under 3 minutes". Ugh. If someone asked me for my digits they �d only get one and it wouldn �t be the index finger ;-)) Tap |
23 Nov 2015