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Selling resources
Selling resources
Is it ethical to use templates from here for work which you intend to sell? I think it must be legal, but I wondered: is it moral? |
5 Dec 2015
Even when one uses the free templates to make their worksheets to post them here, it is demanded of him/her to mention the author, i.e. to show who holds the original authorship. So, technically, if one creates materials to sell, using the template, part of the profit belongs to the author of the template:) BUT, once we post something on the net, we must be aware that there will always be people who will abuse our generosity, so that �s how it is:)
5 Dec 2015
I think you should contact the authors and ask them. |
6 Dec 2015
I agree, you should ask the contributor of the template. |
6 Dec 2015
You must be too thoughtful and honest. Actually I �m sharing the same concern as you do. Last year, I came up with a person who was selling English resorces for the teachers of English and wmnog what he sold were worksheets from ESLPrintables website. I got a shock. I still don �t know how he obtained thousands of worksheets from this website but I can say that a member of this website must have downloaded and sold them to make money on other people �s works. This is one point of view. On the other side, we generally DO NOT RESPECT EACH OTHER. If you don �t believe me, select any worksheet at random and check the number of downloads it has got, and the number of "thanks" comments the author has received. I am a new member and whenever I download a work, I always thank to the author. Because, every one on this site deserves this. |
6 Dec 2015
It �s illegal to sell any of the material you find here. Copyright is stated at every single item.
Copyright � date name Publication or redistribution of any part of this document is forbidden without authorization of the copyright owner. |
7 Dec 2015
@Tünde ---> Trouble is that the rule you quoted could have been better written. Does "any part of" mean for example, that I �m not allowed to use the word "perfect" because someone has used that word in another document? Or a shaded box in the top left corner of my worksheet? So already, there is a discussion about what is �appropriate � or �significant �.
I think Lynne was asking about the template, rather than the contents. Design copyright is a difficult issue and is protected differently from one country to another. You have to decide what amounts to an �original � design. @ Lynne ---> I �d say that if the design significantly adds value to the material sold (obviously difficult to establish!) and you have not changed it in any way, then it would be ethical to request the owner �s permission or at least to acknowledge the source, but in reality often the sums involved and the effort don �t always make this a realistic option, however much we �d like to play by the rules. For anyone interested in this subject, I recommend this documentary: (great Led Zep clips included!) |
9 Dec 2015