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Need help about English club
Need help about English club
Dear colleagues, I need some help, please. I am really worried about my pupils � behaviour. They seem to me very violent and they never respect their own space. They are always running, pushing and hitting one another. I asked them to write down some school rules and the importance of respecting each other. They did some nice posters that we displayed in the school courtyard. This has given me the idea of starting an English club where they can improve their English and it would be an opportunity to raise their awareness about such matters. Yet I am a bit lost since this is going to be my first try. Would you please give me som ideas how to manage such a club? Would you please tell me about your experiences? Thank you in advance. |
8 Dec 2015
Dear Wasla31, You seem to have raised two issues in your note/request ! the first one has to do with discipline and Students � "misbehaviour" as it were ! the second one is about creating & managing an English club; though you may mean that the two matters are or would be related in one way or another ! Let �s begin with the first point which is descipline, and I think it can be dealt with taking into consideration class management, class organization, the lessons & activities to be done with the Learners ; including importantly & basically Games, fun activities and the like .. According to my modest experience they work wonders & they certainly can help a lot in alleviating "tension" & modifying as well as improving Ss � behavioure & manners .. As for the second point, namely creating an English Club, I would say yes ! Just go for it ! We had one year experience with it now in our high school & it was really fruitful & rewarding .. We were kind of hesitant & reluctant to create an English Club in the beginning; being full-time teachers & working all days from Monday to Saturday.. However, as we got started & began to meet & work together in the club , we were both amazed and surprised how talented and active and creative our students trully were <!!> They just needed a little push & support .. We noticed also that we got more closer to them, perhapse friendlier & more intimate; and above all ( & This is your Question, isn �t it ?!!) we (& they) got rid of so many negative & bad feelings / behaviours ; namely , violence, fear, shyness, selfishness and so on ! Finally, Good luck with your English club & sorry for being too long ! Thank You :) |
8 Dec 2015
Hi, Wasla! I had a group like the one you described above. At the beginning I almost got crazy, but then I started thinking what to do to help my students change such a bad behaviour. I tried to discover what they really liked. I had to change my classes according to the group. I had some trouble but it worked. I also did the same as you did. Asked them to write down some school rules, classroom ideas to have a good class. They prepared very good posters and got involved. I also gave them a song named RESPECT you can find it at youtube. They also had activities at the Computer studies. They selected picutres wrote the rules. Anyway they liked a lot. Then I planned my classes always with a subject and posters. As they like to do that it is ok. Usually they love songs and activities where they can move. I am sure you �ll get success. Good luck! |
8 Dec 2015
Mariethe House
I had a look at this link of the British Council: It sounds interesting. Maybe you find something there for your very good idea!
9 Dec 2015
You might find something useful here from Peter Pun�s take on Jim Scrivener�s (fairly) recent book on classroom management: Alex
9 Dec 2015
Hi everyon, I am really grateful to your replies. Thanks youall so much. I just want to clarify one thing. In class, my pupils do respet me and respect my classroom rules. My concern is about how they behave outside and with one another. I think that you really helped and encouraged me to go a step further with the English club idea. Wissal |
9 Dec 2015