thte fact that they do not rember the grammar seems to be the least of my problems with rowdy kids.....Amazing how disruptive even only two or three kids can be in an entire class.
anyway. Grammar seems to be the toughest to teach even when the �rowdy � ones are sick or absent for some other reason.....
some things that worked for me...
1. the verb to be works nice with a game of Who am I. One person leaves the room, others decide who s/he is and the person needs to guess by asking yes/no questions (Am I a student in this class. Am I a teacher.... etc. )First play 1st person then 3rd. Same goes for present simple. esp. together with job vocabulary (Do i work with people. Do I sing etc....)
2. The song Tom �s Diner by Suzanne Vega is a wonderful way to practice present progressive without them noticing you �re having a grammar lesson... (I uploaded the lyrics with all the verbs in brackets so they need to write the present progressive form as it appears in the song (which can be downloaded from the net...) It also exposes them to some oldfashioned good music ;) I brought both the original voice-only version as well as the drumbeat cover....
3. Imperatives I taught them by having them work in groups and design posters for classroom behaviour. I brought them lots of markers and glue and stuff and of course huge sheets of paper. The best ones I promised to laminate and hang in class....Worked wonderfully!! They made some amazing posters, learned the imperative and had a good time. (And now when they break the rules, I can refer to the posters they themselves made!!!)
Hope any of this is usefull...........