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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Revising Simple Past with regular verbs
Revising Simple Past with regular verbs

Revising Simple Past with regular verbs
Hi! I need some ideas for revising Simple Past with regular verbs. Thank you |
19 Jan 2016

I hate worksheets. So what I do is ask for a volunteer. Then I give a set of instructions to that student. Walk (slowly/quickly) to the window. Look through the window. Climb on the desk. Jump down. Pick my bag up. Drop it on the floor. (Or similar instructions which involve regular verbs... switch the lights on/off, clean the board, water the plant, open the door... ). Then I write up, �First, then, next, after that, finally � and I ask the class to remember exactly what the volunteer did and in the correct order. Get them to write it down in a paragraph. Next, put a student in the Hotseat and ask, �Did s/he open the door first?...Did he close the door? Did he pick up the board rubber? Did he climb up a ladder or on the desk..� etc and they must answer in a full sentence. �Yes, he opened the door first/No, he walked to the window first � and so on.... This makes a nice starter and requires no prep. I �m off worksheets as I have no budget for photocopying.
19 Jan 2016

Thanks - tom I was planning to teach the past! perfect timing - I want to try yr idea!! THANK YOU! |
19 Jan 2016

class centre
cunliffe! your tip is awsome!!! I will use it right now. Thanks a lot! |
19 Jan 2016

Many thanks for sharing you ideas! You were of help. |
21 Jan 2016