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Music and what it means to you

Music and what it means to you
Hi everyone, I �m sure you all use music and gap fills in your classes. I �ve just written a blog about taking the gap fill further and building a connection to a song. I hope you find it useful |
21 Jan 2016

alien boy
Thanks Harry, it �s a good little blog post! Cheers, AB |
21 Jan 2016

Try the Lyrics Trainer that is great ! |
22 Jan 2016

I agree wth you! I think music is an important thing we can use to hook our students to improve their English. If we can make them to love music as we do, they could improve their English not only in the schools but also outside, in their houses in an autonomous way. I was working the song " Dance with somebody" by Mando Diao wth my students from 5th grade and they loved it. Some of them told me they listened the song in their houses and it made me very happy.
The next son I´ll work wll be " The adventure of a lifetime" by Coldplay. It think it is easy to understand and even I uploaded it. I´ll try the songs you recommend us in your blog. Thank you for sharing. Almudena. |
23 Jan 2016

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1 May 2020