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My pupils version of IMAGINE

My pupils version of IMAGINE
My pupils � version of this wonderful song by John Lennon for the Peace Day celebrations we�ll have at our school next week 
22 Jan 2016

alien boy
Excellent! Thanks for sharing. Wishes of peace to you & your students, too. |
22 Jan 2016

Hi sarguero. I �ve just got up, fed the birds and the cats and then logged on (as I do) and clicked straight on to your link.This has given me a truly golden moment to start my day. It �s brilliant. Thank you for sharing. Lynne I�ve passed it n to my Spanish teacher colleagues and the international consultant I work with. They are going to love it.
23 Jan 2016

Great work! Thank you for giving hope. |
23 Jan 2016

Great!!! I like your video a lot!! Thank you for sharing. |
23 Jan 2016

Thank you so much for your kind words. My pupils will be grateful and proud.  Three years ago we made a video with What a Wonderful World sung by Grandpa Elliot and a group of kids from different countries. A very good version too.  |
23 Jan 2016

I love your work, really impressive ! Thanks a lot for sharing both the video and the idea:)
23 Jan 2016

Thanks so much for sharing. Que magnificos son los dibujos. |
23 Jan 2016

Really nice and as we have heard Lennon �s song a lot lately here in France after what happened , it �s nice to see that there is still hope , hugs Sylvie |
23 Jan 2016