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Techniques and methods in Language Teaching > using native language and reading text aloud in the classroom
using native language and reading text aloud in the classroom
I �ll share what works for me... reading aloud is in my opinion a great way to practise pronunciation. While they read underline in pencil the words they have difficulty with then get the whole class to practice pronouncing those words. You can also then check for vocabulary, are there any new words? It �s my opinion the only way to understand the way English grammar works is to experience and use the language. You don �t learn a language by listening to the teacher giving explanations. I �ve no problem with my students explaining a form to each other in their own language, so long as they then move on and I hear them producing English and specifically the form we �re working on. There are forms in English that simply don �t exist in other languages. I often bring in real life examples so the students can see how and when the different forms are used. There aren �t always clear rules, it all depends what you want to express or emphasise. |
4 Feb 2016
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