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Grammar and Linguistics > Saturday evening without "on"
Saturday evening without "on"
There�s �opinion� and being gratuitously argumentative, Lynne. Sweeping statements about grammar and usage with nothing to back them up don�t help anyone � even less so when all they�re based on is personal hostility. But let�s get back to our sheep: - do you agree that both options presented by Riham are grammatically correct?
- omission of on is "not at all common usage": UK only? evidence?
EDIT: Lynne has just deleted the post that this was a response to.
12 Mar 2016
@ Alex - No! I deleted my post before you sent this one! It simply said �Almaz, I beg your pardon for expressing my opinion. � I deleted it so that you could have the last word. True. Gratuitously argumentative? Mmm...
12 Mar 2016
Well, the least you could have done was answer the questions, Lynne. |
12 Mar 2016
It �s Saturday night and I �m trying to watch a film! You know, if people want sources and evidence, they can generally access them themselves! Google is open to all. I am giving my opinion as someone who lives in England, that �s all. I �m logging off and maybe for some time, from this site.
Edit: Some time = 24 hours (we�ll see)... OK didn�t make the 24 hours! Sometimes definitive answers are given and sometimes there is room for further comment or clarification. I felt this was one of those occasions, just as you did, Alex, on the post above. You added your own comment and why not? If there has been bad feeling between you and me, I think we should put it behind us. Since your new avatar is so wonderful, you can do no wrong in my eyes. Let�s have a fresh start. Lynne
12 Mar 2016
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