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Techniques and methods in Language Teaching > Improving oral english of 10-12 year old kids
Improving oral english of 10-12 year old kids
Improving oral english of 10-12 year old kids
Dear friends, I have recently been given the very "easy" job of improving the oral of speaking skills of a couple of 10-12 year old kids. Chinese is their native language but they have been studying English for sometime (2-4 years) and they know many words. The challenging part is how to put the words together to form meaningful sentences. kindly help me with techniques to help them speak more. Thank you all in advance for your inputs. |
22 Mar 2016
maryse pey�
Well, one of the means I use is that I make the students make flashcards with the main elements of a sentence. For example one for AUXILIARY, one for SUBJECT, one for VERBAL BASE and so on. Then I go in more precise flashcards : DO, DOES, DID...
And before speaking you make them build the sentences with the flashcards.
It works very well for my students. Why not for yours ? |
22 Mar 2016
Thanks that �s a good idea ill give it a shot. |
22 Mar 2016
It can be also useful to teach the structures in comparison with the similar structures from the mother tongue. Your students should learn how to express their ideas by the means of a foreign language. Personally, I teach English to Russian-speaking students, so when there is a need to introduce a new structure at the beginner �s or elementary level we sometimes play this game. The students pretend to be English tourists who speak Russian badly. Thus they make up sentences using Russian words and purely English word order. |
22 Mar 2016
As they are children, I wouldn �t explain much. I would give them speaking cards with some information and they would have to make whole sentences. It has worked very well with my kids. I also use a lot of games. You can find great stuff here. |
23 Mar 2016
I love Lusi12 �s idea. That would be funny with my Japanese youngsters. When I want one of them to speak in front of the class (even briefly) or I want one of them to answer a question, I read their name from their name plate, but in a strange way. I can read the Japanese (actually Chinese) characters, and if you can, you can do this, too. For example, if the student �s name is ko-bayashi (or �small forest �) I say Small Forest, and not kobayashi. Sorry that does not answer your original question, but just adds to Lusi12 �s description of what she/he does. It does make 90% of the kids laugh though, easing tension. |
23 Mar 2016
Great contributions really appreciate ..:) |
23 Mar 2016