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vocabulary queries
vocabulary queries
Hi fellow teachers ! I �ve got a few� vocabulary questions. Here you will find the list� :� 1. Which verb is the best to fill in the gap �The 6:90 plane � ... at an altitude of 1,000 feet �(� can we say rose��) 2. What �s the�name for� a shop� run in a school , usually� with fast food�, some snacks , sometimes sandwiches�, fruit and sweets .�I found tuck shop , but it is probably a trademark. 3. Does �the medical examination carried out�� when a worker is taken on� have any special name ? 4.Is there any� other�verb �in the context� : her nail varnish partially came off � the thumb� finger of her right hand Thx for your �reply�
30 Apr 2016
The plane rose to an altitude of 1,000 feet. The plane gained an altitude of 1,000 feet in x seconds. The plane flew at 300 miles per hour. Tuck shop is not a trade mark. (Tucker is an old word for food) School tuck shop School canteen A worker can be required to undergo a medical examination, often just called a �medical � informally. Sometimes a physical exam or physical. The nail varnish had been rubbed off / had worn off her thumbnail. Come off is fine. We just say thumb NOT thumb finger. She was wearing nail varnish, but there there was a patch missing on her thumb. |
30 Apr 2016
Hello, #2- snack bar, snack shop #4- wore off, rubbed off |
30 Apr 2016
alien boy
Agree with Apodo, but also �school cafeteria �.
AB |
30 Apr 2016
I would say "cruised at an altitude of 1000 feet" for your first sentence. I agree with "tuck shop" - a cafeteria is not really a shop, in my opinion. I agree with "to have a medical" for your third example. The nail varnish "came off", "rubbed off", or "peeled off." |
1 May 2016