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Outdoor activities
Outdoor activities
My students asked me to go outside next English lesson. We are allowed to go to our school playground, the students are 18 yeras old. Could you help me with any ideas what we can do? Games, activities? I have only tried a scavanger game. Thank you ;) |
8 May 2016
Hi! You can have your students in a circle, the first student says a sentence and the second student says that sentence and adds one of his/her own and this goes on and on until the last student has to say all the sentences. I �ve done this before both as a student and as a teacher and it is great fun because they always end up making mistakes. |
8 May 2016
Charades is always a fun thing. Separate them into two teams. One person comes up and grabs a card with some kind of action on it such as: Riding a bike Skiing Making a snowman They try to act it out and their team has to guess what it is. Just make sure there is no talking from the actors, especially in their native tongue. When I play with teams I will have the action on there as well as how many people to act it out. Some of them involve more than one person. For instance a card might read: Playing baseball 3 people or Horseback riding 2 people Good luck.
8 May 2016
Exploring the great outdoors offers a plethora of benefits, from physical exercise to mental rejuvenation. Engaging in activities like hiking or senior rv parks camping fosters a deeper connection with nature, promoting overall well-being. As an avid enthusiast, I emphasize the importance of outdoor adventures for a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle.
14 May 2024