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Ask for help > 10 more words to guess
10 more words to guess
10 more words to guess
Thanks for playing this guessing game with me. Your comments are invaluable, especially when several possible words come up. B.t.w., all these words are C 1 words I am turning into a game. With the rising degree of difficulty and abstraction it becomes very difficult do define a word in a really clear and unambiguous way. So you �re priceless, thank you !
The state of being completely alone, especially when it is pleasant
A large road that aircraft use to land and take off
Someone who tends to expect that good things will happen
Extremely funny
A difficulty, problem or object that gets in your way and
A medical operation that ends a pregnancy and kills the baby
So exciting and interesting that it holds your attention completely
To make something less complicated and easier
Full of problems and difficulties
9 months’ period in which a woman expects a baby
13 May 2016
1. solitary, in solitude
2. runway
3. optimist
4. hilarious
5. obstacle (sentence is complete)
6. abortion
7. mesmerizing
8. simplify
9. troubled,
10. pregnancy
13 May 2016
My second go at these quizzes: 1 - ??? 2 - runway 3 - optimist 4 - hilarious 5 - obstacke 6 - abortion 7 - mind-grabbing 8 - explain 9 - complicated 0 - pregnancy Looking at Douglas �s suggestions (after trying my own), number one now seems so clear and obvious!... And my initial suggestions for numbers 8 and 9 (the ones I keep here) now seem a great 2nd best!
Sandra |
13 May 2016
EDIT 1 - solitude (isolation has negative overtones) 7 - gripping
13 May 2016
1. isolation 2. runway 3. optimist 4. hilarious 5. obstacle 6. abortion 7. gripping 8. to simplify 9. distressed 10. pregnancy |
13 May 2016
I was thinking of solitude runway optimist hilarious obstacle abortion grippping simplify problematic (this one seems to be the weak spot) pregnancy 9 out of 10 seemed to work well. Thank you ! |
14 May 2016
For "problematic", it would be better not to have "problems" in the definition. Bruce |
14 May 2016
I agree with Bruce. My suggestion: problematic - difficult, complicated, causing a dilemma. |
14 May 2016