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Professions ideas!
Professions ideas!
Hello everyone! I �m very worried, I have to start the lesson about professions for my 2nd grade, but I want to do something new with concrete materials to intruduce the content, but I don know what can I do :( Any ideas? thanks in advance!!
16 May 2016
Could you adapt the song "The Farmer in the Dell?" adding in professions? The students could wear a hat to represent their profession. They can make simple hats by gluing a picture representing the profession to a cardboard (or stiff paper) strip worn around the head like a headband or crown. The dog takes a vet, the vet takes a nurse, the nurse takes a doctor, the doctor takes a chemist, the chemist takes a driver, the driver takes a sales clerk, the sales clerk takes a basketball player, the basketball player takes a teacher, the teacher takes a lawyer, etc. , for example.
16 May 2016
Someone here showed me this song. It �s great. My mother is a baker |
17 May 2016