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Word of the Day
Word of the Day
Thanks, Mary. And the new WoD is: Right, folks, what is a sossebrangle? And remember: we don�t want the real meaning*, but rather the whimsical products of your fevered imaginations � the wittier the better. * it�s a dialect word from the south of England,I believe
28 Jun 2016
Sosse brangle -n. brought up by someone who was always �sossed � (sauced, drunk). (alternative spelling: Sauced up bringling)
28 Jun 2016
A sossebrangle is a very old kind of Anglo-Saxon sausage or burger that was made with insects and left-over vegetables in times of austerity. It is still eaten in some parts of Northumberland and Durham, as I �m sure Lynne will attest. |
28 Jun 2016
sossebrangle archaic English word for those who like brain teasers.
28 Jun 2016
maryse pey�
It was the last message from the Titanic :
S.O.S The Brain Angle means : We are sinking due to the captain �s stubborness...
So this is the state of mind of someone unable to change mind when necessary and unable to take the right decision. |
28 Jun 2016
Sossebrangle = A real mess "What a sossebrangle I made !!!" (David Cameron after the Brexit votation results). |
28 Jun 2016
Aye, spinney, back then it wa � tough oop North and I used to eat owt. Now that I am middle class , I eat out. Sossebrangle! It �s a drunken romantic encounter between old marrieds, otherwise known as a thrash. @sarguero: all too true
29 Jun 2016