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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Word of the day 30th of June WINNER
Word of the day 30th of June WINNER
Word of the day 30th of June WINNER
And the Oscar goes to Maryse Peyé for: An AARDVARK is the crossing between Aaron
(Elvis Presley), Dark Vador and Dvorjak (the musician) by a scientist
crazy about Aaron ´s voice, Dark Vador power and Dvorjak ´s music. This
scientist wanted to create a singer with a powerful voice and the power
to cast his own music instrumentless... CONGRATULATIONS!!!! The real meaning:
name aardvark comes from the Afrikaans/Dutch term meaning “earth pig”.
This name is very fitting as the aardvark resembles a medium to large
size pig and is an accomplished burrower. Aardvarks are considered a
keystone species by some biologists because so many other animals are
heavily reliant on their burrows for shelter.
The aardvark (Orycteropus afer) is the only living representative of an entire order of animals, the Tubulidentata. |
2 Jul 2016
:) Here �s my definition, out of contest, of course, as the contest is over, and Maryse Peyé �s entry is unbeatable. AARDVARK, is the Friday evening utterance of a teacher, who, when their spouses/friends ask them how the day had been at work, they dig their noses into the pillow and make a grunt: Well, it �s a good job, but it �s really (H)AAAARD WORK, and crash out. :) Have a nice summer evening everyone. |
2 Jul 2016