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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Caption contest #I000000000 (seriously, who knows the number?)
Caption contest #I000000000 (seriously, who knows the number?)
manonski (f)
Caption contest #I000000000 (seriously, who knows the number?)
Hi everyone I was chosen for the next caption contest. Let the fun and witty comments begin! |
6 Sep 2016
"Okay troops, follow the Colonel!"
7 Sep 2016
Onward! Stop being chicken! |
7 Sep 2016
Frederick, while he was no spring chicken, wanted to rule the roost so he stuck his head out, squawked a bit and hatched what he thought was a crackin� good plan which then turned out to be a cock and bull story and proved that he really was a bad egg, which raised his peers hackle feathers and gave them something to crow about so he ultimately chickened out and flew the coop all because he didn�t count his chickens before they hatched.
7 Sep 2016
My Italian friend was informed we were going to play polo. He �s not very good at English, so he went through a lot of trouble to find what he thought was the right animal for it. |
7 Sep 2016
Even shrunk down to our size, he �s still a pain in the neck. |
7 Sep 2016
No, my chickens aren �t organic. But, on the bright side, the hormones solved my problems about my car! No more fossil fuels needed. Just a whole lot of chicken feed.
7 Sep 2016
No, my chickens aren �t organic. But, on the bright side, the hormones solved my problems about my car! No more fossil fuels needed. Just a whole lot of chicken feed.
7 Sep 2016
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