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Concerning worksheets > Hey teachers, donīt be mad at me
Hey teachers, donīt be mad at me
Hey teachers, donīt be mad at me
I didnīt want to point to the teacherīs deed. I also really APPRECIATE AND THANKS HER WONDERFUL CONTRIBUTIONS. Indeed, I even didnīt mention the name .The thing is I am new here and do not really understand the way this site works.Iīve read so many posts here about teachers who copied or took ws of others and I say: "hey, and this exercise, is taken from a teacherīs magazine that my sister has". Sorry, if this is OK, I didnīt mean to blame anybody nor to hurt you. I donīt want to have troubles with you nor you to have with me, we are all teachers WANTING TO HELP EACH OTHER.
So, Can we use pictures from books or magazines? Because if so I think I can also paste on my works really nice pictures to colour my contributions.
I will appreciate if any of you tell me how to cite the name of the place where I (if so) take the picture since I do not know.
Thanks again to all of you for being there and I hope once I could send ws that help you too.
4 Mar 2009
donīt worry about this... everyone here uses cliparts, images taken from web sites online.. or books...sure, you can use whatever you like...if somebody complain copyright you simply delete or remove the picture that is one will arrest you to the jail because you are using pictures or images from the internet,.in your least for a while..have fun and good sharings!
4 Mar 2009