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Grammar and Linguistics > comparison of equality : as good as me or as good as I am
comparison of equality : as good as me or as good as I am
comparison of equality : as good as me or as good as I am
hello,I was discussing with some colleagues about the rules of comparison of equality. In fact, I mentioned that as good as me is a common mistake , we must say as good as I am . Grammatically speaking, the use of the object pronoun is wrong. My inspector asked me to give him a reliable website that clarifies this rule. Could you help me to proove that the rule i mentioned is the right one by sending some reliable websites about the right structure.
2 Nov 2016
Great website, but as for that particular formation... He is not as good as me. �Me � is the object of that sentence, so it �s absolutely right. In the same way, �He is not as good as her/them... � etc. Obviously, if you want to include the verb, then you must use the subject pronoun. �He is not as good as me. � �He is not as good as I am �. �He is not as good as me at maths �. �He is not as good as I am at maths. � |
2 Nov 2016
No, Lynne, "to be" doesn �t take an object. The website is correct for formal English, but common usage has been "He is not as good as me" for a long time and is now accepted in informal usage. Bruce |
2 Nov 2016
As that website points out, comparisons often drop words. It �s easy if you read the long form of the sentence rather than try to figure out using the sentence with omitted words John is not as good as I at math. (with omitted words) John is not as good as I am at math. (words included) Obviously you would not say: "John is not as good as me am at math". |
2 Nov 2016