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University Students Lesson Plans

University Students Lesson Plans
Hello from Shanghai everyone:
I am a teacher at a University just outside of Shanghai and I love it. My problem is I have 4 classes that I have taught for 3 terms now (1.5 years). I have pretty much done everything with them. I have searched on here and downloaded lots of stuff, but I know I am missing some good ideas, etc. I do not have audio/visual equipment - just a room with movable chairs and a small blackboard, so I am looking at purely speaking lesson plans for young adults. Anyone who has some good ideas, it would be greatly appreciated. I always pull something out of my hat, but some help would be super...
Thanks for all the great ws btw, love this site...
Fletsch |
4 Mar 2009

Well, since I have no idea the topics that you have already touched in class with your students. Why not sit them down and ask them what they think might be interesting to learn and talk about??
From there you can then design several class ideas and/or main topics to teach in class.
4 Mar 2009

Hello from Argentina, I�m a new teacher and I would like to share with you my experience as a student. One of my teachers once brought a game called Taboo. It was great we had fun and we were creative using a lot of vocabulary at the spot. The teacher made the game by herself so the vocabulary and the words to guess were related to the topic we were dealing with. At that time the topic was Global warming.
Hope the idea was useful for you!
Miss Gisele |
4 Mar 2009

hey there...
here are some ideas i could suggest you to have an interactive speaking class
1. provide a worksheet with 20-25 different pictures... ask the students to choose the five images that best represent his/ her character... then ask them to discuss their choices in pairs or groups.
2. guess my job!! provide two different cards A & B... each card has 8 different jobs... in turns students in pairs need to choose one job and describe what he has been doing recently... the other partner has to guess what is the job... the winner is the one who guesses the jobs more...
3. phone calls!!!it is a good activity topractice requests and telephone language... prepare two cards A & B... in each card write 4 situations...
one phone with request for example you can write " you can �t attend your english class next week. phone your classmate and ask himher to collect the homework for you."
the next has to be "answer the phone situation" where for example you have a trouble using a computer program, and your cousin calls you to offer help. you accept his offer but you want to use his computer since yours is slow.
third phone should include an offer to help for example, your friend is sending his car to the garage and he �ll be without a car for the next three days.. call him and offer him a lift to work or school...
the fourth phone should include a call from someone asking for your help, for instance, your sister is phoning you to ask for help . you �re happy to help but on saturday you are busy. arrange a dauy and a time to be there.
4. perfect match!!! students choose two friends or relatives one female and the other is male who need suitable partners... write down his her name.. you can ask them to draw their pictures.. write 4-5 good qualities and 4-5 bad qualities.. ask the students to mingle and try to find a perfect match for their friends or relatives... encourage them to ask questions like" my friend enjouys jazz music how about yours?" and so forth...
4 Mar 2009

Thanks everyone for your ideas - I am gonna use them in the next few weeks. Great ideas and it gave me a chance to dowload some of your great worksheets as well
: ) Fletsch |
4 Mar 2009

Try my exercise on PUBLIC SPEAKING. Each group has ~7 roles, so everyone is involved. It �s creative, fun, and not too complicated. My advanced students really wowed me, so next I �m trying it with my intermediate!
You can download it here:
5 Mar 2009

p.s. another good idea, i just used it today: have your students listen to a movie clip/interview/conversation about an interesting topic, e.g. friends, family, travel, etc. as many times as they need it. i suppose if you don´t have AV equipment, you could just hand out the transcript directly, or role play with a colleague! they always like when other teachers visit, no? Make a simple transcript of the questions and answers that appear in the clip. i found some great ones on then i reviewed the question stems and answer stems with the class, introduced vocabulary. Next I pulled out the question stems and had them interview each other using phrases they heard. I did 3 rounds, so everyone got to answer and ask questions to three differnet people. Then i did a closing activity: do you agree or disagree with the following statements related to the topic. Why or why not? They did great today on the topic of friends! Try it out.
5 Mar 2009