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Cultural Diversity

Bruno Andrade
Cultural Diversity
Hello everyone,
please try to help me out here.
At my school we are developing the subject �Cultural Diversity � this year.
My biggest concern is with Mother �s day which we are suppose to perform something to the mothers and give a little souvenir to them.
Any ideas?
Thanks! |
4 Mar 2009

Just a little question. How does Mother �s Day come under the heading: Cultural Diversity???? (joke: Perhaps it �s because women come from Venus and Men from Mars?)
I would think that cultural diversity had to do with the "melting pot" of different cultures living "under the same roof" and how they all give something to the original country.
(I �m embarrassed to say that McDonald �s on every corner in countries around the world is NOT my idea of a positive contribution to cultural diversity!)
4 Mar 2009

Hi Bruno,
If I understand correctly you want to approach Mother �s Day from a point of view that takes into account cultural diversity. Why don �t you try somthing on international mother figures- like Mother Theresa. We did this at my school in a Comenius project ( five schools from EU countries and it worked well. |
4 Mar 2009

Olindalima ( F )
Hello, Bruno Well, apart from Cultural Diversity, we also have to do something with the kids for Mother �s day. At the time I will be handling imperatives, so I decided to have the students collecting some recipes from internet, or translating some Portuguese ones and write a small recipe book to offer. There is a pretty site
where you can find some ready made sheets to make it more attractive. Hope you find it useful Hugs from Portugal Olinda
4 Mar 2009

Excuse me, but................ Mother Theresa and Mother �s Day have nothing to do with each other.
4 Mar 2009

I have to agree Mother Theresa has nothing to do with Mother �s day, but maybe mother �s day is celebrate din different ways in different countries.
In the UK (sorry I �m 5 years out of date) I remember making a card for my mum but that was about it. �In Chile a present is expected rather than a card. |
4 Mar 2009

When I was a kid in Canada, we used to make something and my mother still has a little pottery bowl I made and scratched in the words `I love you Mom`. It was MANY MANY years ago but it still sits on her dresser. : ) |
4 Mar 2009

Cultural diversity - is having everyone bring a dish - typical traditional food from their culture/ nationality for everyone to try. If they bring the recipes then maybe they can be photocopied and given to each mom as a gift. |
4 Mar 2009

I like eng789 idea... we did that in school one year and it was a big hit. You could also make promise coupons for the mothers... here �s a link to some you can download directly and see what I am talking about. They are usually "coupons" the mom can use for a "hug", or "washing dishes", "making the bed", etc...
4 Mar 2009