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Linking homophones

Linking homophones
Hello Peeps! I was wondering if I could pick your brains here. I �m devising a game based on linking sounds and words. I don �t want to use the linking pairs that are in the book I �ve used and so far I have only come up with the following: two eyes - too wise mice eat - my seat ewe wall - you all to wait - two eight make up - may cup Does anybody have anything I can add? You would have the undying gratitude of a middle-aged, bald, English teacher. Hugs Spinney
17 Nov 2016

pack it in pack kit tin I am eye yam don �t you don �t chew Did you Di jew do it Doo wit |
17 Nov 2016

This story is about a very simple country-woman who went to the doctor to tell him that her husband had a very severe headache. The doctor said, "I have so many patients coming to see me that I can�t see your husband today. But do this: Put some ice in a bag, tie it round his head and let me know how he is tomorrow.� The next day the woman came again and the doctor said �Well, how is your husband?� �Oh,� she said, �he�s quite all right now; the headache has completely gone; but the mice are all dead. Apparently, the lady had problems distinguishing between some mice and some ice  
17 Nov 2016

Already got a few with my and mice (my seat - mice eat/ my steak - mice take) but I love the joke. I may have to use it (you zit). Thanks a lot! Please keep them coming folks. 
17 Nov 2016

You’re going to use the two Ronnies sketch, right? Four Candles? |
17 Nov 2016

You must use "Four Candles" - it �s one of my favourite sketches ever. You could also talk about words like "adder" which was originally "nadder" but was misheard as "an adder" rather than "a nadder." Some more for you: rose low - row slow teacup - teak up why now? - whine, ow! why pout? - wipe out / wipeout too late - tool ate/eight |
17 Nov 2016

What about authors and books? There are a few of those. Old furniture by Ann Teak |
17 Nov 2016

Wonderful ideas there. I have more or less completed the game but I �m going to hang about just in case somebody comes up with a red hot one. I really do want to use fork handles and four candles but what I want to know is, is the "h" a natural case of elision or is it more informal? What about across the pond? Would the pronunciation of four candles/fork handles be the same in fast speech? Thanks again for all your excellent examples. I �ll post the game on Monday. |
18 Nov 2016

Oh dear / Ode ear Why naught / Wine ought fasten it / faster nit (maybe not) as often as not / as often as snot (no?) my size / mice eyes my *** / might it? (sorry) redact / read act (no?) == I am not sure what fits the rule / requirement, but this is fun == mighty mouse / my tea, mouse! Spiderman / Spied her, man! (no?) Nowt, I �m broke / Now, time broke (no?) Germany / Germ a knee (no?) Sorry, I wanted to help, but the harder I try to contrive something, the more contrived it ends up. I �d love to see your game in the new worksheets section. |
18 Nov 2016

That old one came to mind - book a rest in Bucharest, so I �m thinking if there �s any more like that... Get roam mania in Romania. I �m sure there was a list of capital cities with this kind of thing...
Edit: I�ve got a snow day (school closed due to snow)  , so I�ve been through a list of capital cities and despite there not really being any proper plays on words or homophones - whatever these are called - I have persevered! Abuja - I booed ya, Amsterdam - hamster, damn!, Apia - a peer, Asuncion - a son, Theon, Beirut - bay root, Berlin - bare Lynne,  Bratislawa - brat, he slaver, Douglas - dug glass, Funafuti - fun o� footie, Havana - have Anna, Kathmandu - cat man �do� (I would love to go to one of those), Khartoum - car tomb, Lusaka - looser car, Manila - man iller (than woman when he gets flu), Muscat - musk cat, Nicosia - knickers here.
He he! Oh, well, that�s amused me! I don�t expect to see any on the ws, though  |
18 Nov 2016
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