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Christmas Joke

Christmas Joke
What do reindeer always say before telling you a joke? 🎄🎄This one will sleigh you!
This is a pun using the homophone: SLAY informal greatly impress or amuse (someone). "you slay me, you really do" synonyms: | amuse greatly, convulse with mirth/laughter, entertain greatly, make someone laugh. |
16 Dec 2016

maryse pey�
What a great sleigher you are ! |
16 Dec 2016

Why are Christmas trees so fond of the past? - Because the present �s beneath them. |
17 Dec 2016

Christmas is a time when everybody wants their past forgotten and their present remembered. |
18 Dec 2016

Reindeer humor is charmingly festive, often featuring playful banter before delivering a large item moving services los angeles a punchline. As they gather in the snowy expanse, exchanging tales and jokes becomes a cherished tradition. With a twinkle in their eyes and a hearty laugh, they jovially inquire, "What do reindeer always say before telling you a joke?"
17 Apr 2024