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Grammar and Linguistics > My favourite mushrooms
My favourite mushrooms
My favourite mushrooms
Dear Colleagues, what do yu call these in English? I �ve found so many variants, but since they are my favourite mushrooms, I need to know what people in different countries call them :) |
9 Mar 2017
Boletus in English, I think.
Baravykas in Lithuanian.
9 Mar 2017
Thanks for narrowing it down, Mary. "Penny bun mushrooms" is one name in the US, but they are more commonly called "porcini mushrooms". We usually find them dried in the grocery stores, rather than fresh. However, lately more stores carry a variety of mushrooms. 20 years ago, white button mushrooms were all that could be found in a grocery store. As Silvanija said, their botanical name is "boletus". Bruce |
9 Mar 2017
Steinpilz in German, I think I �m right. I don �t know many mushrooms. |
9 Mar 2017
What do you call it in Russian? |
9 Mar 2017
These looked like toadstools to me and I got a belly ache just looking at them So I �ve googled them and they are indeed porcini (pronounced in the Italian way - porcheeny) mushrooms. So well done, guys on naming them! I must say, I �ve never seen them fresh in shops and you �d have to visit a big store even to get them dried and they are really expensive. I �m a mushroom-lover though, so I �ll be after some now! Edit: I live in the north of England.
9 Mar 2017
Mushroom picking is a popular hobby around here, as well as in Russia and Lithuania, I suppose. You can make delicious soup or sauce with this particular kind. You can find them fresh in the market or in the forest. They �re my favourite. |
9 Mar 2017
In France they are called cepes. They are very popular tasty and expensive. I have them in my garden ! Haha ! LYnne what are you waiting for. We had yesterday "omelette aux cepes" ! MIam ! |
9 Mar 2017
As far as I know, the British and Americans don �t really know the differences between most "wild mushrooms" and end up calling all of them "wild mushrooms". |
9 Mar 2017
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