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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Help needed!
Help needed!
Help needed!
Hello, dear colleagues! A teacher is going to asist three of my lessons soon and I need help with materials. The lessons I will be teaching are: Question tags - 9th graders, Nouns (countable/uncountaable/partitives) - 10th graders and Employment/ jobs - 11th graders. My students learn English as a second language. I would appreciate ideas regarding songs, games, videos ( pictures and other materials.) Thank you in advance! |
9 Mar 2017
I used a shopping bag as an indtroduction to countable and uncountable nouns. I had several things in it like bananas, an apple, some onions and of course sugar, milk and water. After that the pupils had to order other shopping pictures in countable and uncountable products. Then I did an exercise entry, writing down some examples and letting the pupils find out the difference. After that they had to do an exercise to secure the grammar. In the end they had to write their own shopping list, using a/an and some when formulating the sentences.
12 Mar 2017
A nice powerpoint on tag questions However, the last slide is incorrect. It says "Nice job, isn �t it" apparently assuming that the sentence in mind is "It is a nice job." But in the context of giving praise, we would say, "You did a nice job", so the tag should technically be "Nice Job, didn �t you". But no one would say that, we would just leave it at "Nice job" or some might say "Nice job, eh?"
Employment has information on salary and job duties, and statistics, for most job choices. The students could research their dream job and tell the class why they chose this profession.
13 Mar 2017
Thank you very much for your help! |
13 Mar 2017