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Phonics for Adult learners.
Phonics for Adult learners.
A big hello to all you teachers out there, First, I would like to thank all the teachers who gave me their suggestions the last time I asked for help. Today, I am seeking your expertise in teaching phonics to adults. I have been given the task of teaching a group of illiterate Romanian gypsies of varying ages who consequently don �t speak a word of English. The primary school where their children go to have set up this class to help them. The room I have been given to teach in at the Sure Start Centre hasn �t got a smart board or access to the internet. I could use my laptop, but that wouldn �t be practical. I need varying activities for this course, so any help with ideas to teach this group would be appreciated. Looking forward to hearing from you. Elle |
10 Mar 2017
Hi Ellen I did some research and found this website which seems to be interesting. Take a look and see if this can help you. |
10 Mar 2017
Hi Ellen This site seems to be more practical and it features plenty of ideas and activities. |
10 Mar 2017
The Usborne phonics readers books (set of 12) are great - I know they �re very childish but each book focuses on just a few key sounds, and there �s lots of rhyme. |
11 Mar 2017
Dear Elle81, � I have submitted a Post which is on�ESLP in "Hot Topics", �Teaching English to University Students�, by T. Abdellah. The second part of my post, PRONUNCIATION, is related to correcting mispronunciation of the Student. It may be of some slight help to you. �
11 Mar 2017
What a joy to see this face! This has brightened up a dull Sunday. Where �ve you been, you rascal!??? Elle, you are honoured. Lynne |
12 Mar 2017
Thank you, Lynne! Thank you, Esther! Several unpleasant things happened in my life, and I have been �not very well! � I am not yet 100% but I decided to renew my connection with ESLP, because it is such a wonderful, heart-warming community. I am still teaching hard ... (English and other languages), private, voluntary, classes, one-to-one, face-to-face, Skype, etc. Some of my students are still friends after 25 years. That �s REALLY nice! It �s lovely �to see you � again ... I hope that we can continue our friendships. I will try to submit some more Worksheets for others to use, because I have several thousands going to waste. But you know me ... ever the Perfectionist. �Bye, Lynne. �Bye, Esther. Take care of yourselves. Les |
12 Mar 2017
Mariethe House
So good to see you LES ! So happy to see you back ! I hope you will soon be 100%well again. Do not overwork yourself😊Take care. |
13 Mar 2017
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