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Administrator īs contact
Can someone please tell me how to contact the administrator? Thanks |
17 Apr 2017
Dear Dragonfly2, You can find his e-mail address on the left of the Main page and also in Rules and Instructions of this site: P.S. By the way, I am stil waiting for the Audio, you promised to send us if we contact you after downloading your Listening Media Test. It was 3 days ago. I suppose that I am not the only one...
17 Apr 2017
Dear kohai, The files have been sent. I īm sorry, I don īt access the site every day and when I finally did, I got a message that my test had been removed because it is not an ESL resource. As I don īt agree, I have been trying to understand why the activities weren īt considered ESL. So I got a little distracted... Sorry again. If you didn īt get the files, please let me know. Best regards |
17 Apr 2017
Dear Dragonfly, I just got the files, thanks for sending. Didn īt know I had to ask for them on the Forum. Seriously: If you had sent the Audios on the same day, moderators possibly would have defend your worksheet from removing. A written listening task without a tapescript and/or possibility to listen to the Audio is useless, thatīs why it is not an ESL resource. I suggest you to upload your ws again (but better on a day you can be on the site and answer the requests), I am ready to confirm you send the mp3s via e-mail. Best, kohai
17 Apr 2017
Dragonfly, it might be possible to upload and distribute the audio files to google drive, onedrive, icloud, or another file sharing site such as, if they are not copyrighted materials from a book or course. Then people could download them with out you having to email them individually. |
18 Apr 2017
Hi everybody, � This is news to me. I have downloaded several listening tests from other members and the method was the same. I asked for the files and they sent them to me. So I didn īt know慯hings had changed. I still don īt think it īs fair to remove myĐðorksheet since this new rule is not in the rule list, so there was no way I could have known. 鼦nd they could have explained this to me when I asked. I asked twice for an explanation. � Anyway, I appreciate your advice.泎ut all this is a bit frustrating. I don īt have慯he time慯o access the site every single day. And I really think that if the moderators have the time to review the Printables and remove them, they should also have the time to read the complaints and answer them. The same for the administrator, who hasn īt answered my email either.
18 Apr 2017
Another option is to simply add the tapescript, then your work won īt be against the rules and wouldn īt be reported. That is what I usually do when I upload listenings. It is also more comfortable and time-saving for the downloaders of your work. Don īt be frustrated. This has happened to everyone of us. Keep going. |
18 Apr 2017
You are right, dragonfly2, that rule is not in the list. I īll suggest the new rule in the forum, but meanwhile I īll restore your worksheet. |
19 Apr 2017