Dear Falafel,
I think that I have previously said here, that whenever I hear a question which seems to ask: "What is the correct answer?" I always feel a little uncomfortable. I hear another question in my head, which seems to ask: "What is the correct way to kiss a baby?"
My answer to this question would be: "There are a hundred ways to kiss a baby, and if you and the baby are happy with the kiss, then your question is answered".
Some students appear to think that language, (and particularly the English language), is governed by fixed, unchangeable rules. I am a resident of the UK and speak British English, (so I can �t comment with authority on other varieties of English). But British English is spoken in various styles ... from extremely informal, to neutral, through to extremely formal, depending on many factors. Students of English should be aware of this, and not be pedantic ... "THIS is the CORRECT answer!" ... except in special circumstances! Here, I am thinking of strictly regulated, formal examination situations.
Whenever I have been out visiting, I always �report back � to my son and daughter with a text, so that they know that I am safe and well. "Arrived home safely at 10:00. Dad X" (I am thinking about the journey home in the taxi.)
Sometimes, as I am drinking my cup of hot chocolate, after an evening out, I write: "Home, safe and well at 10:00. Dad X" (I am thinking about how I feel, sitting in my home.)
So, Falafel, to reply to your query, sometimes answers to grammatical questions should begin with the words: "It all depends!"
In an examination: "Wherever you go, it is important that you get there safely!"
n life, I find that situations are rarely �cut and dried � = �Cut and dried� originally referred to herbs which were cut and then dried, to use in the future. The phrase now means having a clear and definite quality that does not allow doubt or that cannot be changed.
Of a situation, completely settled. Decided, set, settled and not open to change. Not needing much thought or discussion. The proposition is clear and easy to understand. Something that is done according to a plan, a set procedure, or a routine formula.
Les Douglas