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ESL forum > Games, activities and teaching ideas > Ties for Dad    

Ties for Dad

United States

Ties for Dad
Hey Everyone! 
Summer is well underway and the next holiday on my radar is Father īs Day, which is coming up next week. I was working on a craft for my kids to do and decided I would make something with ties.  I thought I would share this "Tie Card" idea here with everyone. It involves a little writing, coloring, cutting, and gluing but easy enough to do in class or at home. I also made several different ties with various patterns so kids can choose which one they want to use. Check these out and let me know what you think. Enjoy!

8 Jun 2017      

United Kingdom

What a great idea! And the activity looks great. 

8 Jun 2017     


That looks good! Thanks

8 Jun 2017     


Thx ! Your activities are always ...so great ! ;-)  I used your postcards from the world with my first years : a big success !!
Thank you - & keep posting ;-)))

10 Jun 2017     

United Kingdom

Dear cbenglish,
I think that your activity looks great, but I KNOW that the ties will be useful for other men, not just Dads.
Why do I say this?
On dating sites, where men and women become partners, lonely men write in, frequently describing their possessions. I do not know why, but these unfortunate men ALWAYS wear open-neck shirts. They write: "I have a steady job, savings, house, car" ...  and then they end with the sad words: "NO TIES!"  

13 Jun 2017