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Ask for help > assess English and French knowledge
assess English and French knowledge
assess English and French knowledge
Hello dear all, I wonder if you already have and use or if you can share a links or links of tests that can assess everyday business English and French. It �s to be used in a job interview. Thanks a lot in advance for your help. Hugs, Morganalin |
29 Jun 2017
maryse pey�
Hi Morgana,
Here is a link I found interesting to work with. I have prepared a student for the BULATS (a Cambridge examination) with several levels and several points dealt with (audio, written + an interview). Well, actually the interview is not included in the exam, you must ask to apply for it too. But this exam is really complete as your fluency in audio comprehension, in written expression, in reading skill AND in true speaking can be proved to a potential employer.
Good for adults as well as for students. Looks the same type as TOEFL or TOEIC but really dealing with BUSINESS matters.
I saw that they would exist in French but I have never tested them.
Hope this will help you a little.
Hugs to you.
Maryse. |
29 Jun 2017
And there is also Business English Certificate (BEC) positioned at 3 levels: Preliminary (B1), Vantage (B2) and Higher (C1). There are Reading and Writing, Listening and Speaking parts in the test BEC Preliminary; BEC Vantage BEC Higher The speaking test is taken in the pair format with 2 examiners assessing. Unlike BULATS which is computer-based (candidates record their speaking answers) it �s with live examiners. However, you have to wait for your results longer with BEC unline BULATS - so tha �s a disadvantage. I �m afraid I �m not really knowledgeable as far as French exams are concerned :-/ best of luck, joanna |
3 Jul 2017