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Teaching material > Spirit week
Spirit week
Spirit week
Hello dear colleagues, I would like to create a new lesson plan on "a spirit week or day" with some of my classes next school year, following in this way an American tradition. If I have understood it correctly, students have to imagine funny activities that everyone in the school must follow. For example coming to school on your pyjamas, dying your hair in green... I �m then looking for teaching materials on American school system and on "spirit week" � that could help me to realise this project. New ideas are also much welcome. Thanks in advance. I �m sure that among all the talented teachers taking part in this wonderful site, some will be able to help. Nanette25. |
13 Jul 2017
Grâce à vous je découvre l �existence de la "Spirit Week or Day" alors merci! Je ne peux donc pas vous apporter des documents sur le sujet mais si vous en recevez d �autres collègues et que vous voulez bien partager, je suis preneuse! J �aimerais bien pouvoir lancer ce projet dans mon collège, je trouve que c �est super! With my grateful thanks ! Claude Gayet |
13 Jul 2017
Lol. I found some really interesting and funny ideas on the following ideas:
13 Jul 2017
Thanks very much for your help and comments. I �ll try to create some worksheets on the topic, and share them with you of course! Nanette25 |
13 Jul 2017