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Teaching material > what´s your opinion about webquests?
what´s your opinion about webquests?
what´s your opinion about webquests?
Hello everybody!! I�m really happy to have a forum again. I�ve missed all of you a lot. Thaks Victor to your efforts!! I Want to know what�s your opinion about webquests as a teaching resource applied like methodogical strategies.I make this question because I�d like to do a good one but I wonder if my colleagues really find them useful. It�s not a question of points, I don�t mind points. I�m thinking in students and in teachers too. Please give me your opinions. I will apreciate them or many advices too. Thanks in advance. Anal�a.
15 Sep 2008
I love webquests Anyteacher (lovely photo by the way)
I find that webquests are really good for follow up work. Once I have taught students a skill i will give there group a webquest to do as a follow up activity to practice the skill they have learnt. For example, if I have taught the students how to take notes on a concept map and put facts into their own words - I will give them a choice of topics. They will then need to find 3 different webpages, take notes on one A4 piece of paper, and then without going back to the computer they have to write a report to present back to their group.
I know this isn�t exactly a traditional webquest - but it is a wonderful follow up activity that the kids love to do, practices an essential study skill, and it keeps them fully occupied while i am working with a different group.
I would love to see how other people use webpages and webquests
Good luck Vicki
16 Sep 2008
Thanks Vikiii! You are always giving a string!! You see I�ve found a page where children can investigate about another subjects like music, history, geography and of course english. It has got a lot of interactive icons and it�s about a well known event. But I�m a bit warried because my last worksheet was about Tinker Bell�s new film. It has got very interesting information an activities and very few teachers downloaded it and only leaved two comments. I think probably it is unknown in other countries.... As well Ihave a certain opportunity to use this webquest I�m planning to do it�s good to be useful for other colleagues. Thanks for your words and keep in touch. Anal�a
16 Sep 2008
Hi Analia,
I like webquests too.But I have a question.This is a good way for practice,yet is it appropriate for all age groups? Also for instance,here in Turkey not all the students have an access to the internet,even not all of them have ps.
Is it the same for your Ss too?Will you apply this technique only in your class?
And lastly what kind of quest do you plan to prepare?You know it may be in different ways..Sorry I asked too many questions.I just want to learn more and be helpful for you.
Hope everything goes as you planned and I am with you.
I am sure it will be useful for your ss and you will do your best cos you are a great teacher... |
16 Sep 2008
Hello Pinar!! How are you? Your questions are very interesting, and by the way, are the same I�m in my mind.The webquest I�m planning is to be done at school with equal opportinities for all students. They are between 12 and 15 years old. The theme I choose is MAMMA MIA - THE MOVIE with ABBA songs. The official site is fabulous! You don�t imagine how attractive it is. It has got music, trailers, photos,quizes, a time line, a writen summary, geographical situation, an other linked pages about ABBA group, the premieres all over the world an a lot of interesting information. But my fear is that it seems to be so frivolous because some people is very structured. I think it�s great, and we can apply transversal contents, I mean english at first place an the other subjects as general knowledges. Also Maths can be applied with excel charts and graphics ans statistics. My intention is to use the webquest as a final work in the end of the year. That will be in November when they are tired and here is a bit hot and wet. Am I in a good way? Thanks for your reply. You are always when I need an advice. A big hug Any
17 Sep 2008
Frivolous??!!? English is meant to be fun, informative, and fun fun fun!!!
Are your students reading english? are they going to discuss this with each other? are they going to be engaged in learning? yes? So, wonderful!!!
I don�t think there is anything frivolous about teaching your students to love looking up english websites! I think any teacher that can use an innovative and fun idea like this to teach their students is fantastic. I think you are in a very good way! Keep up the wonderful work. |
17 Sep 2008
I personally think that webquests are definitely the way forward, particularly in language teaching. Whilst the traditional methods of finding information through books and practicing language through worksheets and writing are still extremely valid - these methods are being slowly superceded by computer and internet resources. Dictionaries and encyclopedias will soon be gathering dust on the shelves as now most people find what they need on a computer. We should therefore exploit this new way of finding information and webquests are an excellent in road to helping our pupils/students to be more versatile in their thinking, developing quick and accurate research methods and using technology that they must become familiar with if they are to be successful in their future careers. I would welcome more and more webquest worksheets that can be used for all ages - and I think this can be done by infants as well as adults.
I have to confess to being a rank amateur at this approach to language teaching (having been a worksheet and flash card man for over 25 years) and would more than welcome any suggestions and ideas to develop my methodology and bring it up to date. So anyone with webquests (that are not stolen, plagarised or copied from other sites) then please upload them to the site, or recommend particular sites in the forum which have useful webquests on them. Thank you. |
17 Sep 2008
Hi again my dear colleagues!! Really thanks for your encouraging words. I�m going to do my best and when the webquest is ready I will share it with you. I don�t know a lot of sites to recommend but these ones are good for me. If you want to have information about webquests this site is in spanish and english. it�s related to esl site. To work wit your students from beginners to advanced level (s�x stages) total english is a very good book�s series. I�m using them since 2006. This site has got a very interesting and complete display of webquests downloadables in pdf format to print. This one is new for me. I�ve discovered in ocassion of searching for a food chains webquest. I hope they will be useful for you and keep in touch to exchange ideas. THANK YOU!!
17 Sep 2008