Have 16 students divided up into 4 Teams, of 4 Team Members each, standing in a straight line behind 4 desks marked EVERYBODY, SOMEBODY, ANYBODY, and NOBODY, respectively.
Each of the 4 desks has its own Push-button, Buzzer, and Light, (or 4 Hand-bells, Whistles, Horns, Hammers, Flags, or whatever you can manufacture), on the desk.
The Assistant Teacher, (or the Best Reader), is the Narrator, and reads a long Story, similar to your Story, (at normal reading speed), which contains the 4 Words repeated several times, (say, 8 times for EACH Word).
The Teacher is the Adjudicator, in front of the Teams.
Whenever a Team Member hears his/her Word, he/she immediately presses the Buzzer, which temporarily lights the Light, and then quickly GOES TO THE BACK OF THE LINE.
The next Team Member immediately takes over on the Buzzer, and so on, without pause.
If a Team Member misses a �buzz�, he/she is out.
If a Team Member delays too long before making a �buzz�, he/she is out.
If a Team Member �buzzes� incorrectly, he/she is out.
When any of these 3 occur, the Story stops, the Team Member returns to the class, and then the Story is re-started at the same point, with a smaller Team.
If ALL the 4 Team Members are eliminated during the Story, no further �buzzes� will be needed for that Word.
At the end of the Story, the Team with the most Members remaining, is the Winner.
Good Luck,
Les Douglas