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Tone in job advertisements
Tone in job advertisements
Hi everyone I �m desperately seeking some information about tone specifically in job advertisements. I �ve searched here and on the web to no avail. Do you know of anything? Also, if you were asked the difference between formal and business tone in a job ad, what would you say? It is for job advertisements, and not the usual advertisements. Cheers Jayho |
6 Nov 2017
formal vs business tone: haven �t really heard of a distinction between the two, but I have seen trends in English that this could explain. I �d be interested in hearing about what you find. I recently had a discussion with my boss (Human Resources Manager) about tone in our job advertisements, so you are definitely on to something. I researched it a (very) little bit, but didn �t have any real luck in finding anything useful. There seems to be trend getting away from the traditional formats, but there doesn �t seem to be much agreement on how. There also seems to be a strong correlation to local (national/cultural) preferences in what I �ve seen. Cheers, Douglas |
7 Nov 2017
Thanks Maryse, but that�s not quite what I�m after. The reading (assessment) task that I have been given to use requires students to identify the tone of a job advertisement and then to provide the evidence of that tone (adjectives used). I am seeking reference/teaching material to teach tone in job ads (which is a bit difficult because traditional job ads are quite different to other ads). In terms of the business v formal tone, the assessment question asks whether the tone of the job ad is informal, formal or business. I would like to know the difference between formal and business in reference to job ads (to me, they are the same).
Douglas, there is definitely a change in trend, and I think it�s because with online advertising, employers can say, and ask, for a lot more online than in the old newspaper formats. Some jobs ads are a piece of art, others are a source of entertainment, and all to attract the right applicant. Tone is definitely becoming an "in-thing" and I have certainly seen some �way out there� ads.
P.S. Here is an example of the changing face of job ads
7 Nov 2017
maryse pey�
Oups ! Not easy indeed what you are asked !
Do you think there might be some clues in one of these links ?
Hugs. |
7 Nov 2017
Hi Maryse I give you 10/10 for your dedication to the cause The last link has a reference to tone,without actually saying that, in it �s direction towards facebook ads. I do have reference material on these sorts of ads, just not specifically job ads. The other two links are excellent links but do not really provide what I �m after. In all honesty, I just don �t think there �s anything out there (yet) because jobs ads still very much follow a traditional format. I shall keep searching ... or just create my own material. Cheers Jayho |
9 Nov 2017