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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Daffynition, Tuesday, November 28, 2017.
Daffynition, Tuesday, November 28, 2017.
Daffynition, Tuesday, November 28, 2017.
DAFFYNITION Thank you, Agagug! I enjoy this game immensely, and the answers often make me laugh out loud. I really take part just for the fun of it. But, thank you, for choosing me as the Winner! I always love it, when some Member from a distant part of the world wins, and we all have the opportunity to hear �a new voice �, with new ideas. So, here we go again!
Give us your daffy definition of the following word!
If you�re a neophyte to this site it �s alright if it �s slight, bright, light, polite, trite, or, despite its plight, it�s at its height and like a kite, or it might give a fright at night ... or if it �s as white as white ... quite forthright yet finite ... with the foresight to cite an erudite sleight ... we invite you to write it a mite NOT QUITE RIGHT!
O.K. I �m waiting for your entries! Les Douglas
28 Nov 2017
Ok I �ll bite- I �m in full flight and my answer is � out of sight � Absquatulate - an exercise which includes squatting then stretching to work on one �s abdominal muscles (abs). Repeat 50 times for a complete absquatulation. |
28 Nov 2017
Absquatulate: failing to remove the speaker �s cigarettes in a timely fashion, usually as a quitting strategy ab- Latin prefix for away squa- slang term for a cigarette tu- you in many languages late- tardy Breaking down words like this is a useful strategy for learning unfamiliar words, even though in this case, this daffynition is lingua intra bucca! |
28 Nov 2017
It is a very vulgar term, so I recommend avoiding it by all means. When there is a long queue/line in front of a public toilet and you fail to empty your bowels in a timely manner. In order to restrain you start shouting out the English alphabet. A B C D E, but as soon as you �ve reached the letter B, you squat and in horror you realize that it �s too late. Hence: A...B.... SQUAT... TOO LATE :
29 Nov 2017
The fitness craze has taken an interesting turn. The Abdominal Squat! That �s right, the verb form of this exercise is to Absquatulate. The contortions necessary to complete this form of physical self-torture are straightforward, but harder than they look. One must only squat as if they are about to sit on a low stool. But at the same time, they need to also curl each abdominal muscle into a perfect circle. All this, while maintaining perfect balance on one foot, with their heads held high, and arms perfectly straight over their head. "This move has changed my fitness life", raved famed fitness guru Piper. "After I absquatulate each morning, my advanced yoga poses are a breeze. And it has had a rather beneficial impact on other parts of my life", she grinned and winked coyishly in the direction of her partner. Yes, we all recommend that you absquatulate every chance you get. |
29 Nov 2017
maryse pey�
Oh ! If you want to absquatulate someone you must congraTULATE them for their ABSolute QUAlity of friendship and sense of sharing.
So let me absquatulate the ESL teachers and our webmaster whose dedication is obvious and certain !
Thanks Les for such an absquatulated occasion to recognize very good opportunities ! |
29 Nov 2017
It �s a word which has its origins in the early 19th-century, when sasquatches (also known as bigfoot) were exhibited in travelling shows. As the sasquatch is such a rare creature, they were naturally very valuable and sought-after. Sometimes, people from a rival show would come and abscond with another show �s sasquatch in order to profit from it themselves. Once your sasquatch had been absquatulated by a rival, it could be very hard to retrieve it. absquataulate = to kidnap a sasquatch |
30 Nov 2017
Travelling High and Low
ABSQUATULATE Describing the moment of indecision that occurs on a Friday
evening, when you’re torn between choosing to do some exercise or having a
cheeky beer. You give the matter some thought for a good five minutes, before inevitably
submitting, grabbing a beer from the fridge and settling down in front of the
telly for the evening. |
1 Dec 2017
The ancient Egyptian warrior goddess Sekhmet had the very bad habit of walking among men on a Saturday night, slaughtering them and drinking all of their blood, mixed with a bit of absquatulate. The absquatulate added tremendous vim to the goddess who would drink blood and party all night, gaining a bad reputation for herself. Unfortunately, although the hieroglyph for absquatulate has been translated (the translation is �absquatulate�), nobody knows what was in it. I have my own theory, but it �s best left there.
2 Dec 2017