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Let Down = Disappoint
Let Down = Disappoint
The amount of times that I have told people that let down is a commonly used phrasal verb, practised it, used it in games, revised it and they still forget all about it.
28 Feb 2018
Wow! I don �t remember that one at all. For the most part, the jokes at the end were my favorite part of the series. I �ve always thought that Emma Chambers must have enjoyed playing Alice so much. My favorite scene from Vicar of Dibley is the I Can �t Believe It �s Not Butter scene: Not Butter Since Emma Chambers wasn�t well known here in the US, I just learned that she died last week.
28 Feb 2018
I didn �t even know you had The Vicar of Dibley over there in the States. Now there �s a surprise. Yep, a shame about Emma Chambers. I haven �t seen many episodes myself but she was a damn fine comic actress. A bit too young to go just yet. Such is life, I �m sorry to say. |
1 Mar 2018
Well, to be fair, let-down can also be used as a noun: "It was a real let-down to learn of Emma Chambers � death from a heart attack last week." (Yes, I realize "let-down" is a bit crass in that context. To be fair, the subject had already been brought up. And my in-laws have the complete show The Vicar of Dibley on DVD. They love Brit-coms!) |
1 Mar 2018
That �s a great joke! I never took much to �Dibley � or �Ab Fab � to be honest, but loved, loved, loved French and Saunders, the pair of them together. I �ve been looking for a clip to share, but my favourites are all a bit raunchy for this site. ... Like the ones where they dress up as two old fellers
3 Mar 2018
More of a One Foot in the Grave and Father Ted man, myself. Obviously, the episode where both shows overlap had me crying and rolling around on the floor going purple. I have a question list for that which I use with my students when I force the poor blighters to watch it. I have used question lists for A Touch of Cloth (a kind of British version of Police Squad), which has been incredibly popular with students although it is for upper intermediate level at the very least. Unfortunately, I will never be able to take a British police series seriously ever again. |
3 Mar 2018
Hi Dale, I �ll have a look at A Touch of Cloth, sounds interesting! My husband loved One Foot in the Grave and Father Ted. Dare I say they were a bit laddish i.e. appealing more to the chaps, in the way that Billy Bragg is a bit laddish? I once had to sit through an hour of this man and after that I retired to the bar. Just by the by.... Have a nice Sunday! Lynne
4 Mar 2018
@Lynne: Ooh! I think you will find that A Touch of Cloth is laddish in the extreme. It �s written and directed by Charlie Brooker (Black Mirror). That said, there are some wonderful plays on words and the English language in general. A sample. |
4 Mar 2018