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Grammar and Linguistics > Reporting Verbs
Reporting Verbs

Reporting Verbs
I would be grateful if you answered me about the following point . Some reporting verbs are followed by (that clause ) such as : "I finished the operation successfully ." The doctor explained that he had finished the operation successfully . Sometimes the tense is not changed : The doctor explained that he finished the operation successfully . When do wee change the tense and when do w leave it as it is ? Is there a clear rule to follow .. Please ! tell me if there is any problematic rule here . How can I teach my students this point ? Thanks |
20 Mar 2018

I usually ask my students to stick to the changing tense rule, that is, present to past, past to past perfect, and so on, for examination purposes, but be ready to see there is the option of keeping the tense for some situations, present when the situation still holds, or past simple as an option for past actions or events, apart from the cases where the reporting verb is in the present. |
20 Mar 2018

Hi, my dear friend. does anybody have academic writing experience? My first language is Spanish and I´m trying to write a research work and I make many writing mistakes. can you give a hand checking it, please? |
20 Mar 2018

Hi, my dear friend. does anybody have academic writing experience? My first language is Spanish and I´m trying to write a research work and I make many writing mistakes. can you give a hand checking it, please? |
20 Mar 2018