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Confusing words

Confusing words
Hi, I �m having problems with the following question: Keeping files on a computer database is a __________ solution. The words that are confusing to me are new- and now- tech. I googled them but I only see that people use new tech without a hyphen. So I suppose the other two collocations don �t exist? 1)new-tech 2)now-tech 3)high-tech Can anyone recommend a good textbook about computers and IT? Thank you! |
21 Mar 2018

High-tech, although it �s a bit of an odd sentence. I would have preferred digital solution. I have PMed you about it. |
21 Mar 2018

dackala: In answer to your question regarding a computer textbook: BCS Glossary of Computing and ICT 13th (thirteenth) Edition by Arnold Burdett, Dan Bowen, Diana Butler, Aline Cumming, Fran published by BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT (2013) Paperback.
This is published by the British Computer Society. It costs approximately �25, but it can be obtained cheaper. Les Douglas
21 Mar 2018

Sorry for late reply, and thanks to spinney and ldthemagicman for the replies. I meant to say: I �ve only seen "high-tech" as a common answer and "new tech" without a hyphen, so I suppose that the third doesn �t exist (now-tech). I had many odd examples from the same book " Computers and Information Technology" (Jon Marks) A&C Black Publishers Ltd. Have you used this book? |
23 Mar 2018

In my experience: High tech / high-tech - both forms are commonly used New tech (no hyphen) - commonly used (never seen it with a hyphen) Now tech - not used Cheers Jayho |
23 Mar 2018