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Hi dear colleagues, I wonder if someone here has got the English subject of "Diplome National Du Brevet" 2018 of Pondichery which happened last May or other countries,please? I really need it to find how will be the type of the subject this year. Would you mind sending or giving a link where can I find it, please? I am looking forward to having a positive answer from you. Thank you very much. |
11 Jun 2018
maryse pey�
Well, I am afraid that English subjects of last May have not been registered yet... I have read that there will be some change but I cannot give you the 2018 subject.
If you think you can get usteful stuff from 2017 or older subjects just let me know and I will give you some links. |
11 Jun 2018
Thank you very much. I am really interested in what you suggest. Could you give me some, please? If you don �t mind. could you tell me about the change, please? That �s very kind of you. |
11 Jun 2018
maryse pey�
Here are some.
The change is mainly for the marks. I mean that instead of the only mark of the exam the whole marks of the year will be taken in account. More points can be obtained if the students have attended some optional subjects (Latin, Greek...).
English is not obligatory. It depends on the school. That �s why it is so difficult to have subjects.
Have you got enough material for the moment ? Just let me know. |
11 Jun 2018
Thank you so much for your answer. |
12 Jun 2018