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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Caption Competition, the WINNER.
Caption Competition, the WINNER.

Caption Competition, the WINNER.
Dear Lilli, Here is a copy of your Private Message, which you sent me, in reply to my Message advising you that you had won the Caption Competition. Thank you. There is no need to apologise. Please, don�t feel badly about it ... we are all entitled to have a Holiday.

| Re: YOU ARE THE WINNER! | Hello, Les Douglas! Oh, no. I�m so sorry I missed it. Yeah, I was on holiday. Now I feel so bad. I shouldn�t have participated and not checked it afterwards. I never thought my caption would be chosen, I guess.
I don�t know how to search the forum and I can�t find the Caption Competition. Sorry again.
Lilli. |
Lilli, What you have to do is, find any suitable picture on the Internet for the Competition. Then, start a new Forum Post here with the Title, "Caption Competition". In it you insert the picture, together with your message to the Members. After a week or so, or when you have received sufficient entries, (in your opinion), you choose a Winner. You notify that Member, who continues the Competition. Why not give it a try? If you find it difficult to do, ask a colleague at your work-place to help. Or, perhaps a Portuguese-speaking Member here will write and advise you. Get back to me if you REALLY have big problems Good Luck. Les Douglas
4 Jan 2019

Thanks a lot. I am looking for a good picture right now! |
4 Jan 2019